Dr. Dennis Jackson
Executive Director
Dear Global Partners Family,
We have all traveled through a year like no other. Many of our usual sources of stability and consistency have proved unstable and inconsistent. We have been reminded that only God is worthy of our complete and unwavering trust. Psalm 46:1-3 says: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (NIV).
When our world falls apart, we remain confident and unafraid for one simple reason: “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (Psalm 46:7 NIV). Because God is with us, we have courage and hope to face today and tomorrow.
Because God is with us, and because of your faithful partnership — the mission continues to go forward. Miraculously, new missionaries have been sent. Disciples and churches are multiplying. And every day more people are hearing that their heavenly Father loves them and desires a relationship with them.
As we look toward 2021 — we continue to be compelled by the reality that 4 out of 10 still live without access to the gospel. We must pray. We must give. We must send. We must go. Your partnership matters.
Words cannot express the depth of my appreciation for you. Thank you for amplifying local church mission for global transformation.

Missionaries Mobilized
We celebrate stories of joy-filled, fully surrendered living—stories of giving our lives away for the global mission, just as Christ gave his life for the world.

*With 15 NEXT missionaries mobilized, only 1 was able to go to the field in 2020 due to COVID-19.
By a Global Partners missionary* in Eastern Europe
Anna* first visited Eastern Europe as a student from Indiana Wesleyan University on a cross-cultural experience trip. I was immediately drawn to Anna’s relational intentionality, Christ-centered spirituality, and, most of all, her contagious joy. As field leader, she was someone I wanted on my team! Anna returned on another trip the following year as a co-leader. In a moment of joking, she signed the dotted line. “I will come back for a NEXT internship in 2020 and full-time in 2021.” We laughed about it as Anna returned to the States to start seminary.
Unfortunately, NEXT 2020 was canceled due to COVID-19. But that didn’t stop Anna from going through Global Partners’ mobilization process. She is now an appointed full-time missionary to Eastern Europe. She will join our team after she completes her partnership development and final year in seminary. Anna is deliberate, dedicated, and adaptable — she is a great addition to our team. We’re excited for her to reach her full financial partnership goal and get started with us in Eastern Europe!

Partnerships Engaged
We look for partnerships that are both relational and strategic. Relational means regular, ongoing contact. Strategic means a long-term investment with a clear aim in mind.
By Global Partners Church Multiplication Director — South Asia*
The Wesleyan Church in Nepal is growing. Five new churches have been started by Nepalese believers in recent months.
I recently assisted in the dedication of a new church facility in the eastern part of the country. This church came as a result of the JESUS Film Partnership and other factors. At the dedication ceremony, two pastors from sister denominations told how they had prayed for upwards of 45 years for a church to be established because there was no Christian witness or church in this area.
About 10-12 years ago, the current pastor discipled two new believers. One of them became a pastor and a JESUS Film evangelist. He showed the JESUS Film in the very region where the two pastors had been praying for a church to be planted. Several were led to Christ and formed a Bible study group. Eventually, the evangelist organized a church. They worshipped in a rented bamboo shed. Later, he turned this congregation over to the current pastor. About two years ago, funds were provided to buy a small piece of land and to build a beautiful place of worship. In this area that was once dark, the Lord raised up a vibrant congregation who witnesses to the gospel.
All this has happened because generous partners in North America have joined with young Christian believers who are passionate for sharing the gospel and discipleship. They want to reach the Nepalese people with the saving hope of Jesus Christ.

Generosity Inspired
Regardless of where your mailing address says you live, we all joyfully leverage all our resources for the sake of the mission.

By Ben Ward, Asia-Pacific Area Director and Director of Development and Communication
On April 1, 2020, the national leaders of The Wesleyan Church in Asia gathered on Zoom to discuss how COVID-19 was affecting each of their countries. All reported the devastating impact.
Many of our church family members in these areas are day laborers. They work hard, but they do not have consistent employment. They cannot work remotely from home, and they do not have savings accounts at the bank.
Due to strict lockdowns to stop the spread of the coronavirus, many church members were left without any money. Their families could not get food. Churches could not take care of their pastors.
One of the people on the call — we’ll call her Nancy — is from a creative access country where she cannot be open about her faith in Jesus. She went to her network of house churches and shared about the need. They decided they wanted to help their Christian brothers and sisters and officially began collecting funds for this purpose on April 6.
In one week, this house church network had given over $42,000 (in U.S. dollars) to support those affected in surrounding countries! In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.
For resources on making a legacy gift, including a free online will creation tool, visit gponline.org/legacy

Followers Multiplied
As a result of partnering with Global Partners, your church will play a key role in more stories—stories of personal transformation and stories of the transformed being gathered into newly planted church communities.

By Tomas and Misha Mojzis
Wesleyan church planters in the Czech Republic
A young man in the church came to have a real, live relationship with Jesus through our ministry. He reads the Bible fervently, and, a few years ago, he told me he is convinced that he needs to get baptized in the believer’s baptism as a sign of his faith and in obedience to the call of Jesus on his life.
His family strongly opposed his decision. But the Holy Spirit would not let him go and worked on his heart. It was not until the summer of 2020 that he finally gathered enough strength to be baptized. He told us that it was an incredible feeling that everyone in the world should experience. He now feels whole and without any “blocks” between him and Jesus. It was incredible to see his brothers in Christ baptize him.
Due to some mobility problems, I have had to go to rehabilitations for the last eight years or so. One of the therapists is a lady whose office was filled with symbols of Eastern religions, crystals, and auras. She was heavily into different teachings of Buddhism, shamanism, and communication with the dead. We have been praying for her this whole time, and every time I have a session, we end up talking about Jesus.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, I was not able to go in for my sessions. Now that the COVID-19 situation has improved, I have been able to continue our sessions. She welcomed me with a large cross on her neck. In our conversation, I found out that she now only prays to Jesus and no one else. She said she sees God working in her life and is now praying for her son to find Jesus.

Leaders Developed
As the gospel takes root in an area, we are eager to turn over responsibility and authority to well-equipped local leaders. We are continually working ourselves out of a job.
Explosion in Mission Discipleship
By Perry Hubbard, missionary to Panama
Every two years, the Ibero-America Conference gathers for the biannual JIBACAM* Congress. This congress and the mission coordinators’ meeting are key opportunities to teach and disciple people in missions. Our goal has been to have 200 people attend one of these events.
This last year, we were hopeful about reaching this goal until two countries had political upheaval, and there were visa issues with others. Still, we had one of the best events ever with a key focus in ministry to the Muslim world.
Then came COVID-19 and more restrictions on movement. However, it didn’t stop the JIBACAM Missions Board from developing an entirely new approach to discipling people in missions. It is called Conversations Live on Facebook with key guests to talk about missions. The people reached with the first one was almost 3,000. The last one reached almost 6,000 people. People are learning about missions and getting involved.
*JIBACAM is the Ibero-America Missions Board

Churches⁵ Reproduced
Stated, “Churches to the fifth power reproduced.” Global Partners’ missiology seeks to move each field through five phases—the fifth and final phase being “Multiplying Movements.” A CHURCH⁵ is not only “grown up” enough to be self-supporting, but it is also parenting new works by planting churches and sending missionaries.

The Bold Step
to Live for Jesus
By a Global Partners missionary* in South Asia
I was sitting in a local believer’s living room in rural South Asia remembering God’s faithfulness. We were there to celebrate the family’s new home. It was a big opportunity for them to dedicate their newly built home to the Lord before a small group of friends and family.
Santosh* comes from a Hindu family. We first met his wife, Gita*, when she was brought to our house for pray. She soon became a believer and began praying for her husband. He was not open to coming to church, but he did come to a birthday party where he connected with some of the men from the church. Soon, he became a believer when God came through for their family in a hopeless situation. Since then, the couple has led several other family members to the Lord.
Our prayer is to see full households come to follow Jesus. Santosh and his family, including his children, siblings, and mother, have made the bold step to live for Jesus. They are excited to be his witnesses in their new house and new neighborhood.

Nations Transformed
We are convinced that the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to transform lives, families, communities, and entire nations. Historians tell us that the Wesleyan revival transformed 18th century England, saving it from the bloody revolution France experienced. We believe God can use us in our day to see nations made new.

Burning Vision to Participate
in the Great Commission
By a Global Partners missionary*
to a creative access country
The creative access church in this specific country* has a burning vision to participate in the Great Commission. Although they are still in their infancy, there are steps toward growth that bode well, not only for the expansion of God’s kingdom around the world but also for the strengthening of this country’s church. Mission participation by nationals gives them a chance to know Christ in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings.
We are refining an eighty-hour missiological curriculum for those nationals who want to serve both long-term and short-term in international missions. The networking of our churches continues as we assist in organizing multiple courses in missions each year for key leadership. Most strategically, we have been developing an indigenized mission-sending organization infrastructure that can facilitate sustainability for creative access mission workers in their long-term work.