If I had a login for the previous online giving system, do I need to create a new account?
No. If your email address was linked to an account for our previous online giving system, your account will already be created in the new system. However, you will need to reset your password. To reset your password, click here. Please use your email address in both the “Username” and “Email” fields.
If I did not have a login for the previous online giving system, how do I create an account?
If you did not have a user login for the previous system you may create one here. Although a user login is not required to make a gift, taking five minutes to set up your new login will give you the best experience moving forward.
When creating a new account, the system says “the email address is already in use.” How do I log in?
If the email address you would like to use for your account is already in use, please use the forgot password option here to reset your password.
I have requested a password reset but have not received a password reset email.
If you have requested a password reset, an email will be sent to the address on file with a password reset link. That email will come from “Site Administrator –” If you do not see your password reset email, check your spam and junk folders. Please note that it may take up to 5 minutes for the password reset email to be sent.
If you do not see the password reset email in your inbox, spam or junk folder after 5 minutes, please contact Donor Services at
Where are the transactions that I have already made?
Only gifts made online after November 1, 2020 will appear in your donor profile. Gifts made offline or before November 1, 2020 will not appear on your online profile. Automated recurring giving initiated online before November 1, 2020 will not be visible in the gift service center.
To make any changes to giving that was made offline or before November 1, 2020, please contact Donor Services at or 317-774-3944.
Give our Donor Services team a call at 317-774-3944 or
send us an email with any questions at
We’re here to help!