Explore God’s Calling

to global service so you can confidently and joyfully live out the Great Commission.

Is Global Service Right For You?

Explore who you are in God’s mission through a 2-12 month internship.

See how you and your church can connect and serve globally through Short Term Teams.

Serve in the global marketplace and intentionally engage in disciple-making.

Explore more short-term, mid-term and long-term global service opportunities.

“Go and make disciples of all the nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.”

MATTHEW 28:19-20

When God nudges you to serve globally, you might feel:

  • Overwhelmed
  • Intimidated
  • Doubtful
  • Apprehensive

Many people who feel a stirring to global service stay stuck where they are. They never get to experience the joy of living out that calling.

This shouldn’t be your story.

You can make a global impact!

Gain Clarity

Discern your calling with an experienced guide so that you can fulfill your role in the Great Commission.

Find meaning

Discover a global opportunity that matches your unique gifts and strengths so that you can make the greatest impact.

Access resources

Receive support and training throughout the whole process so that you are ready to share the hope of Christ.

You are not alone

Global Partners has been sending, equipping and supporting global workers for over 130 years. So we know that choosing to go, preparing to go and actually going is not for the faint at heart. That’s why we’re so committed to walking alongside you as you explore God’s stirring and discover your unique calling.

Here’s what we recommend

Step 1:

Start the conversation
If you’re feeling like God may be calling you to something more, let’s talk about it. Sometimes following God’s call starts with an action as simple as completing a form.

Step 2:

Explore your calling
Once we receive your information, we’ll begin to pray with you right away. Then we’ll dive into a no-pressure process to help you discern where God’s calling you. We’ll present opportunities that take into consideration your gifts and talents and the most pressing needs.

Step 3:

Join Christ in His mission
Depending on the length of service that’s right for you, we’ll walk you through an application process and a series of trainings. Then we’ll launch you into global work that will impact real lives in an eternal way.

10 Signs God may be calling you to global service.

Every global worker has a unique story of how they arrived in their country of service. But there are often similarities in the ways God calls people to serve Him. We’ve compiled 10 signs that God may be calling you to global service. Take the quiz and see how many describe you!

The guide you’ve been looking for

When God nudges you to serve globally, it can feel overwhelming.  That’s why Global Partners provides a no-pressure process to help you explore God’s calling so you can confidently and joyfully live out the Great Commission – anywhere in the world.

As we navigate this journey together, we are committed to:

  • Guide you through the whole process, step by step.
  • Create space for God to speak into the process through prayer and discernment.
  • Encourage you and help you overcome any obstacles that come up along the way.
  • Say “no” or “not yet” if we can’t find the right fit for you – or if you decide global service isn’t right for you.

Start the conversation today so you can start living out your unique calling in the world!