In this unique time of restrictions, isolation, and life online, God has opened a door.
Several years ago at a conference, my husband, Jason, had a fascinating conversation with a man about using research, contextualization, algorithms, along with social media to fish for men. Jason was intrigued as he heard stories from northern Africa where this initiative had been piloted. It seemed that multiple countries where missionaries had lived, prayed, sowed, and shared the gospel for years had not yielded breakthroughs — but with the help of this online approach, movement was launched! Seekers were connected with disciple makers, and fruit began springing up. Jason stayed in touch with his contact and wondered if this was something we might try in the Czech Republic where we serve.
Fast forward to 2020/2021. Where are people hanging out more than ever? . . . Online. So how will we fish? . . . Online!
The Media to Movements (M2M) initiative is now part of our regular conversations and work. Jason and five others spend 5+ hours in weekly meetings together, developing the online framework for Czech. Even more exciting is, that as I write this, three additional Global Partners fields in Europe are also in the process with M2M to connect with seekers in their local areas. Global Partners missionaries in Eastern Europe, Macedonia, and Croatia are either part of a launch team or playing a responder or multiplier role (explained below) as M2M has already begun in their regions!
People are Googling for Jesus. What will they find?
As people search for answers online, M2M helps them find gospel truth and connects them with people who can disciple them in a meaningful relationship with God through Jesus. So far, our field in Eastern Europe is fully launched and engaging with not-yet believers, primarily on social media.
Our Eastern Europe field leader writes, “Our Christmas ad was viewed by over 1 million people! Our dispatcher wrote: ‘All those hundreds of thousands of views and engagement is the Word of the Lord going before us and convicting the hearts of those that need repentance, and thus is tilling the ground of hard hearts.’ In addition, 85 people sent a direct message to our local responder. Four people requested Bibles, and two people asked to meet face to face with someone who could help answer their questions.” (See chart below.)
The reality is our fields in Europe are largely unreached — having only 1% or less of the population being Christ-followers. The opportunity for people to even meet a Christian in their context is very low. God is making a way through technology to connect us with seekers we would likely not encounter otherwise. I know you’ll be blessed to read about this recent connection in Eastern Europe:
“Are you there?”
“Hi, Farrin.* Yes, we’re here. We’re glad you contacted us! How can we help you?”
“I hope that with you, I can find peace in this difficult time.”
In response to an M2M ad he saw online, Farrin sent a direct message to our local responder. The responder engaged him by asking pertinent questions like: “What do you believe about peace?” “Do you have peace?” She encouraged him to look to the Bible and consider the peace we can have in Jesus. After a brief hiatus, Farrin re-engaged with these messages and shared an openness to meet with someone to further discuss the peace he’s searching for. Farrin lives in our region, and one of our workers (called a multiplier) met with Farrin to determine where he is in his faith journey.
Farrin is Muslim by nationality but claims to value all religions. In conversation, he was intent on proving his worth — that he’s not sinful, that he’s a good man. He spoke at some length about the “good” that he has done. He seemed to be seeking something, and he was thankful to receive a Bible. He mentioned how he felt God’s blessing when he brought it home. Our multiplier is trying to set up another meeting with Farrin and inviting him to read the Bible together. Praise God for Farrin’s interaction with M2M and the faith journey he is on!
Please join us on mission by praying with us:
- Spirit, lead and anoint those on launch teams to discern the best ways to develop their “fishing” approaches for each nation and raise up skilled responders for each region.
- Jesus, fill and bless responders with energy, wisdom, insight, power, and protection as they interact with many seekers, skeptics, and others.
- Father, enable the multipliers to be able to meet personally with true seekers despite Covid challenges.
- Master, stir the hearts of local believers in prayer for a disciple making movement in their lands!
Want to learn more? Google: Media to Movements
*Names changed or omitted for security.