Establishing Relationships, God Is Enough, The Amplifier, Transforming Lives
I was talking with a leader of mission teams one night in July. He said that he started bringing teams to Nicaragua to help out, but then became really good friends with some of the Nicaraguan leaders. He loves coming here to work on the projects and he believes in...
Establishing Relationships, Nations Transformed, The Amplifier, Transforming Lives
Several times during the Fifth International Conference of The Wesleyan Church, I rejoiced in being surrounded and lifted by the exuberant worship of nearly 400 Wesleyans praising God in their native languages. It was a tiny, wonderful glimpse of heaven. The...
Establishing Relationships, God Is Enough, The Amplifier, Transforming Lives
Gideon* is an 89-year-old man who regularly attends our English Conversation Club. In fact, he’s been coming to our ministry center here in Brno, Czech Republic, for at least 10 years to practice his English. Personally, I can’t even fathom practicing a foreign...
Establishing Relationships, God Is Enough, The Amplifier, Transforming Lives
As the new year begins, we want to introduce you to Global Partners missionaries who were appointed in 2024! Please join us in praying for them. If you’re interested in learning more about them or supporting them, please contact us at Max* and...
Establishing Relationships, God Is Enough, The Amplifier, Transforming Lives
The sun blazed down on the heads of hundreds of people, the whole crowd streaming toward an enormous mosque. I was a few days into my NEXT internship in Central Europe, and my team and I were visiting the largest mosque in the city during afternoon prayer. As we...
Missionaries Mobilized, NEXT, The Amplifier, Transforming Lives
NEXT is a mentored, cross-cultural internship designed to help young adults deepen their relationship with God and develop their understanding of themselves. Have you ever wondered who our NEXT site leaders are? Take a minute and meet five of them, and learn what...