Online Giving – Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact for questions?
For any questions about online giving, offline giving, or your giving history, contact Donor Services at or 317-774-3944.
I am an existing online donor. Will my username and password work in the new system?
No, the username and password used for the previous online giving system will not grant you access to the new system. To access your profile and review your existing giving information, please register for the new system.
I am a Canadian donor. Can I use the new system?
In order to receive a Canadian tax receipt for donations, Canadian donors should continue to submit one-time gifts and manage recurring giving through
Canadian donors may still register for the online giving system to update their biographical information, submit Intended Support (formerly Faith Promise), and view their giving history. Canadian users are asked to keep in mind that all gift amounts visible in the online giving system are listed in USD.
Will my ongoing recurring giving and Intended Support from the old system be carried over?
Yes, all recurring giving, Intended Support, and stored payment methods will be securely migrated to the new system. No action is required on your part to continue your recurring giving and Intended Support.
Do I have to register for the online giving system to make a gift online?
No, registration is not required to make an online gift. To check out as a guest, give a gift via the Missionaries or Projects links on When prompted at checkout, select CONTINUE AS GUEST. Please keep in mind that registration is required to view your giving history, manage ongoing recurring gifts or Intended Support (formerly Faith Promise), and reprint receipts.
How do I log in to the donor portal?
You can log in to the donor portal by visiting and clicking Donor Login.
How do I register for online giving?
To register for online giving, access the login page by visiting and clicking Donor Login. Once on the login page, click Not a member? to access the online giving registration form. Complete the registration form and click Submit to access your online giving profile. If possible, use your Donor ID for registration to ensure your login is accurately linked to your existing giving account.
How can I reset my password?
If you have already registered for the online giving system but need to reset your password to log in, navigate to the login page from and clicking Donor Login. On the donor login page, click Forgot your password? to access the forgot password form. Complete the forgot password form to receive a password reset email.
If you’re already logged in and would like to reset your password, navigate to the MY SETTINGs page. On the My Settings page, click Reset Password and complete the Password Reset form.
How do I view my giving history?
To view your giving history, log in to the online giving system and select MY GIVING HISTORY.
I logged in and don’t see my giving history. What do I do?
If you have given to The Wesleyan Church or Global Partners in the past, but do not see your giving history, please contact Donor Services at Our team will link your online profile to your giving record so that you’re able to manage your giving through the online giving system.
How do I reprint a receipt?
To download a copy of your receipt:
- Log in and select MY GIVING HISTORY.
- Click the Transaction number for the gift.
- Click Reprint Receipt. The receipt will download in your browser.
How do I find a missionary or project on the website?
To access the Missionary directory, click Missionaries in the top navigation of or the online giving system. Enter the missionary name or Fund ID in the Search bar and click Search to view results. Click the missionary name to view the fund detail page.
To access the Project directory, click Projects in the top navigation of or the online giving system. Enter the project name or Fund ID in the Search bar and click Search to view results. Click the project name to view the fund detail page.
How do I make a one-time gift?
On the Fund or Missionary detail page, click GIVE NOW to access the donation form. Fill out all required fields select One-time. Click ADD TO CART to add the gift to your cart. Navigate to the shopping cart and check out to complete your transaction.
How do I set up a recurring gift?
On the missionary or project fund detail page, click GIVE NOW to access the donation form. Fill out all required fields select Recurring. Enter the recuring gift details, including the gift frequency and desired start date. Click ADD TO CART to add the gift to your cart. Navigate to the shopping cart and check out to complete your transaction.
Gifts with a start date of today will be charged for the first transaction at checkout. Gifts with a start date in the future will not be charged at checkout (the first withdrawal will occur on the start date specified on the donation form). Please note that recurring gifts with a start date in the future will result in a $0.00 transaction amount at checkout.
What is “Intended Support?”
Intended Support, formerly known as Faith Promise, is a commitment to give as the Lord directs. For more information on Intended Support, visit
How do I submit new Intended Support (formerly Faith Promise)?
On the Missionary fund detail page, click Submit Intended Support. Fill out all required fields. For Intended Support that will be paid offline via cash or check, select Pay later or offline and click SUBMIT.
To may an online payment toward your recurring gift today, select Pay now. Enter the amount of your first payment and click SUBMIT. Navigate to the shopping cart and check out to complete your transaction.
To set up an Intended Support that will be fulfilled with an automated recurring gift, complete just the recurring gift donation form (see: How do I set up a recurring gift?). Automated recurring gifts to missionary support funds will automatically create an Intended Support.
Do I need to set up Intended Support and an automated recurring gift separately?
No, the Intended Support form does not need to be completed for automated recurring gifts. To submit Intended Support that will be fulfilled by an automated recurring gift, simply submit the recurring gift donation form (see: How do I set up a recurring gift?). An Intended Support will automatically be created, so you do not need to fill out the Intended Support form.
How do I renew my Intended Support?
An email indicating an upcoming Intended Support renewal date will be sent to the email address on file ahead of the Intended Support end date.
To renew your Intended Support, log in and select MY INTENDED SUPPORT from the top navigation. Click the Recurring donation name for the Intended Support you want to renew. Click Edit and enter your renewal date in the Effective Date field. Click Save to submit your renewal.
Alternatively, to opt out of renewals and make your Intended Support continuous, change the Recurring Type on the Edit Intended Support from from Fixed to Open and click Save.
How do I edit my recurring gift frequency?
To edit the frequency for an existing recurring gift, log in and select MY RECURRING GIVING from the top navigation. Click the Recurring donation name for the recurring gift you want to edit. On the Recurring Gift Details page, click Edit. Change the values in the Recurrent Period, Day of Month, and Effective Date fields and click Save.
How do I cancel a recurring gift?
To cancel a recurring gift, log in and select MY RECURRING GIVING from the top navigation. Click the Recurring donation name for the recurring gift you want to cancel. One the Recurring Gift Details page, click Cancel. Select a value in the Status Reason field to indicate your reason or cancellation. Click Save. Cancelled gifts will terminate immediately.
How do I change the payment information for my recurring gift?
To change the payment information for a recurring gift, first log in and make sure the new payment method is stored in My Payment Methods (see: How do I manage my stored payment methods?).
Then, select MY RECURRING GIVING from the top navigation. Click the Recurring donation name for the recurring gift you want update the payment information for. On the Recurring Gift Details page, click the dropdown in the top right and select Change Payment Method. Click the payment method you would like to use for the recurring gift. The payment method will be updated immediately.
How do I store a payment method?
To manage your stored payment methods, log in and select MY PAYMENT METHODS from the top navigation.
To add a new payment method, click ADD A NEW PAYMENT METHOD and select Credit Card or Bank Account Withdrawal. Fill out the required payment fields and click ADD. Please note that the Bank Account Withdrawal option will require that you log in to your bank’s online banking portal to select an account.
Alternatively, you can store a payment method by entering the payment method details at checkout and marking the Store my payment method checkbox. Please note that payment methods for submitted recurring giving will automatically be securely stored.
How do I manage my Wesleyan church’s giving?
To manage the giving for a Wesleyan church, including viewing giving history and reprinting receipts, you must be granted the Donation Administrator role for your church. This will automatically be grated for TWCHub users with leadership roles for the church. If you’re unable to manage church giving through your individual login but would like to, contact your Church Administrator or Donor Services at
To view your church’s giving history, log in as the individual with the Donation Administrator role for your church and select MY GIVING HISTORY. On the My Giving History page, select the Church/Organization Donations tab.
Stay tuned for information on managing church recurring giving online, coming in late April.
Please keep in mind that giving may be submitted on behalf of a Wesleyan church without the Donation Administrator role. To do this, at checkout, select “Wesleyan Church” in the I am a field. Once that value is selected, search for the Wesleyan Church in the Wesleyan Church field and complete your transaction.
How do I manage my organization’s giving?
To manage the giving for a non-Wesleyan church or non-church organization, including viewing giving history, reprinting receipts, and managing recurring giving, you must be granted the Donation Administrator role for your organization. To request access to manage donations for your organization, contact Donor Services at
To view your organization’s giving history, log in as the individual with the Donation Administrator role for your organization and select MY GIVING HISTORY. On the My Giving History page, select the Church/Organization Donations tab.
Stay tuned for information on managing organization recurring giving online, coming in late April.
Please keep in mind that giving may be submitted on behalf of an organization without the Donation Administrator role. To do this, at checkout, select “Other Church or Organization” in the I am a field. Once that value is selected, search for the Organization in the CHURCH/ORGANIZATION field or enter the organization name to add a new organization. Then, complete your transaction.
I currently receive paper receipts for my offline gifts. How do I opt out of paper receipts?
All offline gifts will be receipted by a mailed paper receipt by default. For individual donors, to opt of out paper receipts, log in and select MY PROFILE. On the My Profile page, click Edit and unmark the Paper receipts (offline gifts only) checkbox and click Save.
Alternatively, contact Donor Services at
For church or organization donors, to opt out of paper receipts, contact Donor Services at
Please note that you must have an email address on file to receive eReceipts. To submit your email address, sign up for online giving (see: How do I register for online giving?) or contact Donor Services at