Mobilizing the Rising Generation
Global Partners exists to reach the 4 in 10 who live without access to the Gospel. For nearly 135 years, Global Partners has sent missionaries across borders to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who have not yet heard.
And in the midst of keeping this mission at the forefront of what we do, it’s critical to value and prioritize mentoring, encouraging and empowering the rising generations. (After all, let us not forget that some of the very first Wesleyan missionaries were in their ripe 20s!) So as we look to the rising generations who are training, studying and entering the workforce, we want to learn and partner with them in God’s mission.
For the past several years, an aspect of this has included having a Student Mobilizer on each of the five Wesleyan university campuses.
These mobilizers cast vision and get their peers excited for cross-cultural mission work, and encourage them to take an active part in the work by joining a short-term trip or a NEXT internship. By serving as a friend, guide and prayer partner, Student Mobilizers help to provide their peers with further clarity in their calling to global missions.
Jackie Fussner, a regional mobilizer serving in the central region of the United States, has partnered with Oklahoma Wesleyan University Student Mobilizers over the past few years.
She explained that the Mobilization Team started the student mobilization program as a way to develop students with a missionary call. It’s a chance for someone who has a passion for discipleship to learn and grow as a disciple who makes disciples. And so far, it’s proved to be a fruitful endeavor.
“Authentic mobilization requires depth of relationship, and through the boots-on-the-ground work of Regional and Student Mobilizers, we have seen more people find the certainty they need to hear God’s voice and take steps of obedience to follow His call,” Jackie said.
This year, there are four brand new Student Mobilizers (Emily Reinertson at Oklahoma Wesleyan University, Grace Parr at Houghton University, Merritt Smith at Southern Wesleyan University, Erin Keffeler at Indiana Wesleyan University) along with Silje van Gooswilligen, who is returning as the Student Mobilizer at Kingswood University.
Please join us in praying for our Student Mobilizers as they embark on a new semester! We pray for favor on campuses and that they would be well-equipped with good questions, deep connections, courage and creativity.