Cultivate Your Child’s Calling into Global Service

Cultivate Your Child’s Calling into Global Service


Imagine this. Your son or daughter just got home from a youth conference, or a Vacation Bible School, or a semester of college. Or maybe they’re giving you a call on their way home from work. They take a deep breath, and they say: “I think God wants me to be a...
Lessons from the Lord while Living Abroad

Lessons from the Lord while Living Abroad


I blinked and 60 days passed by, living in Birmingham. I arrived unsure of why the Lord sent me to the United Kingdom and left even more aware of His goodness. It took about two weeks to call this place home, but once Birmingham claimed that title, it stuck. I caught...
Coffee as Ministry

Coffee as Ministry


When I first arrived in the United Kingdom as a NEXT intern, I didn’t know anyone’s name at the main church we were working in. However, I learned quickly that the way to people’s hearts here, is oftentimes through a cup of coffee or tea. Having some years of...