Celebrating and Partnering with Growing Churches in Poland
Wesleyan churches in Poland are using things like FacebookLive and auto repair to meet their neighbors. They’re following Jesus into their neighborhoods—virtually and literally—to introduce themselves and help with real life problems like car trouble and interpersonal conflict. In Kalisz, Pastor Przemysław Bogdan uses Facebook Live to show people in the city what the church services look like. “A few hundred people watch it online,” Pastor Bogdan said. “It’s useful here because it helps people from a Catholic tradition become comfortable with a Protestant church. We are passionate about showing Christ to the people in Kalisz.”
In Krakow, the church hosts regular events for their community to benefit from the vocational skills of the members. Dr. Piotr Gąsiorowski, pastor of the church, said, “People with different jobs are serving people with what they know how to do. Psychologists are helping people in their struggles and problems; physiotherapists are doing the same. Mechanics, trainers—all of them—are serving on a very practical level. When we get to know our neighbors this way, we can invite them to our church, pray with them, and lead them to faith”
In a country with strong Catholic roots, these pastors are delighted with the way that the Wesleyan denomination fits beautifully within a culture of hierarchy and history while leaving room for the work of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Gąsiorowski stated, “The Polish Wesleyan Church now has two churches and two new church plants. Approximately 1,200 people regularly listen to the weekly sermons on the Krakow church website. We are small, but we are growing. Being part of the larger Wesleyan family is very important for us. Knowing that there are people who will pray for us, and that there is a structure to which we can turn, is very important and builds up our faith and strengthens us.”
Currently, the church in Krakow is being required to move, which threatens to disrupt their work. “Unfortunately, our city is fighting to take back our current space,” Dr. Gąsiorowski explained. “We have found that many will not rent to us since we are a Protestant church. We sense that a lack of ‘our own space’ will stop the momentum the church has seen over the last few years.”
In the midst of disruption, God has presented a new opportunity for the church. A property is available in the heart of the city with easy access to public transportation. The worship space is four times larger, and there is ample room for children, fellowship, and offices. As the hub for all the Wesleyan churches in Poland, it will host leadership events and meetings.
The church is required to renovate the space within six months so they can move out of their current building. They need to raise $122,050 for renovations. Church members are contributing a portion of the funds, but they’ll need financial partnership from their global Wesleyan family to raise the total amount needed. Your financial partnership with the Polish Wesleyan Church will allow them to fulfill their calling to go into their neighborhoods and be Made New.