COVID-19 Global Response Fund: Needs Continue to be Met

COVID-19 Global Response Fund: Needs Continue to be Met

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. –Hebrews 13:16 ESV

On April 13, 2020, Dr. Dennis Jackson challenged Global Partners’ donors, prayer supporters, friends, missionaries, and members of the resource team to raise $143,000 for Global COVID-19 relief. On June 9, he reported that a total of $291,000 had been given so far. 

The impact from the Global Response Fund continues to grow across our international Wesleyan Church. We have now reached out into 28 countries and onto 34 fields. We estimate that more than 34,000 people have been directly impacted so far.  

The needs were greater than we first anticipated in AprilFor some fields, we were only able to grant a portion of the resources that were needed. But because of God’s provision through the generosity of all who have given, we were able to go back and provide the additional funds where gaps remained. 

It has been amazing to watch how God is moving among us — around the world and in our lives — during this unique time in history. Thank you so much for your generosity, as we trust in the Lord together. 

Here are a few highlights since our last update from countries who have been blessed by the wider Wesleyan Church: 


Burkina Faso – Food and hygiene kits have been provided that included rice, vegetable oil, salt, spices, spaghetti, beans, and sugar, as well as maskssoap, and hand sanitizer. These kits helped as many as 190 church members across four of our Wesleyan churches. 

Burundi – The church responded to requests from 20 families for food and medical assistance. We have a new Wesleyan Church presence that is now expanding into Burundi. And on top of everything going on, their president recently passed away. These provisions are ministering amid great turmoil. 

Cameroon – Food assistance and medical needs for church members were provided.  

Democratic Republic of Congo – Food needs were met for 19 individuals, including a child of one of our pastors who was hospitalized and required medical care. 

Equatorial Guinea – The Equatorial Guinea National Leader was in Spain during the lockdown. We were able to assist in securing humanitarian flight back to Equatorial Guinea for him 

Kenya – One hundred and eighty families were directly served through care packages. Each food packet will feed a family for a week and includes corn meal, cooking oil, cereals, and fresh produce. Masks and hand soap were also distributed to 500 people.  

Liberia – Sixty church pastors were helped with their food needs including the basic staples along with rice and oil. 

Rwanda – The Wesleyan Church cared for 355 of their church members with food assistance of corn, flour, and beans, as well as hygiene items including soap. In addition to this, the church is partnering with the local government’s efforts to provide masks, soap, and food supplies to the community. 

Sierra Leone – The church helped with food assistance to 300 pastors across their six districts. 


Indonesia – The Global Response Fund assisted our local church pastors across Indonesia, as well as their congregants with food needs. Due to major economic impacts, we were also able to assist with basic church operational expenses.  

Mizoram, India – Funds are en route to help as many as 150 church families with food assistance. In addition, assistance was given to help with church operational expenses.  

Nagpur, India – The Global Response Fund provided food packets for as many as 2,000 traveling migrants and ration kits for 150 families who are impacted by the loss of jobs. Support was given for ten young people attending the School for the Blind. Ten women were employed to make 3,000 masks, which helped their families financially for a month. And finally, 25 senior citizens will get assistance with medicine and nutrition packets. 

Mongolia  Fifty-nine families from our various Wesleyan churches, as well as 122 unchurched families in their local communities, received food assistance that included flour, meat, rice, and vegetables. 

Sri Lanka  Assistance was given to 166 church members because of lost wages, 14 families with home rental paymentsand church operational expenses due to an inability to hold services. 


Haiti The national church provided food packets to church members, reaching as many as 800 households. Salary support assistance was given to the workers of the Wesleyan Hospital of La Gonave who have gone without wages because many people have been avoiding care in the hospital for fear of coming in contact with COVID-19. This support is impacting 90 employees and their families. 


Croatia  One of our ministries in Trogir helped with rent assistance for an estimated 200 people. 

England/British Isles – Assistance was given to more than 60 members across ten churches to help meet food needs and to help those experiencing unemployment. 


Ecuador  Food baskets were given to 120 families, both in the church and in the community. 

Spain – Since church gatherings were prohibited, we were able to help many churches with building costs and rental payments. 

Venezuela  Assistance with housing expenses and food was given to six families. 


Egypt  Help was given to as many as 480 people for support to those who were sick, rent assistance for families in need, food assistance, and support for our pastors in remote villages. 

Karis People  The Global Response Fund has helped at least 40 people in our house churches with their basic food needs, as well as rent assistance and help with utility payments over a two-month period. This show of support from the global Wesleyan Church has been a huge encouragement to those who are a part of the house churches. They often feel isolated and alone because of the security and government restrictions.