When it comes to disciple-making, the opportunities are truly endless. For 130 years, Global Partners has sent missionaries who were often theologically trained and considered ministry to be their vocation. Even if you don’t feel called to this lifestyle where ministry is your sole vocation, there are ways to lead people to know Jesus while working in your choice of career.
Global Marketplace Multipliers (or GMMs) are Christians who are equipped with a profession within the global economy, who also desire to engage in global disciple- making. In other words, they aim to integrate their faith with their work in a global context.
There are so many different approaches to this way of life, regardless of where you might live. There are a number of individuals already working outside of North America, who have been intentionally working to make disciples, while using their professional skill set. These individuals might be free agents, open to seeking a job in another country. They might be digital nomads with a flexible career and location. Others are entrepreneurs interestedin starting a new business in a different country. Even students studying abroad can work to have a global impact.
While these individuals may not be “traditional, main-stream missionaries,” they are still expected to participate in necessary training, and to pursue the support which might fit their unique individual needs. They are also expected to build and maintain relationships with other GMMs, international mission workers, and nationals in their region.
Global Partners will have an array of services to provide for individuals who want to take on the route of becoming a GMM. This includes regional conferences and retreats with other international mission workers, a Global Partners Resource Team to help recommend and provide resources, networking with other GMMs in similar fields, connections to other missionaries, job location and placement training, and so much more.
The concept of becoming a Global Marketplace Multiplier is not necessarily new. To encourage individuals to consider the long-lasting impact they’re able to be a part of, Global Partners has been working alongside David Drury, author of “Marketplace Multipliers: Stories of Faith and Influence in the Workplace.”
Other businesses, such as Scatter Global, have been working toward a similar goal and have also been assisting Global Partners in this pursuit.
To support GMMs, we ask that you would join us in prayer and consider becoming a partner in giving. To learn more about GMMs and their work, visit: