In the Hands of a Good God
We are all living through unusual and even perilous times. Virtually, the entire world has been put on hold with the social distancing in reaction to the COVID-19 virus.
We, along with most mission efforts, have been on hold for most of 2020. My wife and I have been enjoying our children and grandchildren. We have also spent our time on household projects — fixing and repairing what had largely been neglected for the past four years. We continue praying for our brothers and sisters in South Asia and connecting with our partners in Nepal, India, and Myanmar. While we had hoped to return to Nepal in late October, God gives us great encouragement knowing that The Wesleyan Church of Nepal continues to grow under difficult circumstances.
We are desperate to pray for the teeming masses of the world to yet hear the great good news that a Savior has come.
Our daughter- in-law shared this quote from Hudson Taylor (missionary founder of China Inland Mission) that declares our sentiments so well: “I am no longer anxious about anything, as I realize the Lord is able to carry out His will, and His will is mine. It makes no matter where He places me, or how. That is rather for Him to consider than for me; for in the easiest positions He must give me His grace, and in the most difficult, His grace is sufficient.”
Our confidence is not found in the things of this world. Our sense of well-being does not come by the things or circumstances that surround us. Our hopes and aspirations are rooted in another kingdom not of this world. We don’t wring our hands as we witness the breakdown of civil society in our cities, and we don’t despair at the apparent godlessness of political scandals and tyranny. Instead, we are desperate to pray for the teeming masses of the world to yet hear the great good news that a Savior has come. We pray that God will open doors for us to have a small part in bringing others to eternal salvation in Christ and seeing them grow up in him. This is what compels us to willingly serve the needs of the world in this season of our lives.