New and Improved: Have you checked out the new giving system?
In a significant leap to improve online giving, Global Partners (GP) and The Wesleyan Church have worked to launch a new online giving system through Salesforce.
Launched on March 28, this present-day platform aims to allow for a simpler, user-friendly online giving experience.
Following this launch, users have been able to create new logins, access their complete giving history and more.
Throughout the entire development process, Maddi Paulson, director of Donor Services, has worked to ensure that the needs of GP donors, missionaries and internal staff have been well represented to the developers who built the system.
“We wanted to move to Salesforce primarily because the system will allow us to better serve our donors,” Maddi said. “Salesforce allows for a more streamlined giving experience and more efficiency in our internal processes. With the new system, donors will have more autonomy to manage their giving and our staff will be able to track data with more accuracy and less effort.”
Although some features will continue in the development process to be made available later, Maddi said the team is happy with how everything has transitioned up to this point.
“There’s a learning curve for our team to get used to the new system, but we’re already feeling the benefits of how carefully the data is organized and the new capabilities that donors have to give online,” she said.
As everything continues moving forward, Maddi said she hopes the team can continue to find ways to integrate any feedback they receive from missionaries and donors into the new system. Ultimately, the goal is that the enhanced system will give missionaries more freedom to focus on ministry.
Thank you to all who have taken the time to explore this new system – your support doesn’t go unnoticed. If you haven’t logged in to check it all out yet, or if you are interested in beginning your giving journey, please visit gponline.org/give to create a new login and get started.
To access resources designed to answer questions and help make the learning process easier, you can visit gponline.org/donorfaq for a giving FAQ and a complete online user guide. For further questions or concerns, please contact Donor Services at donation@wesleyan.org or 317-774-3944.