When you invest in Team Amplify, you support every Global Partners missionary.

Every dollar makes a difference as we all
participate in global transformation.


Globally, 4 in 10 people live without access to the gospel.

This means that over 3 billion people do not have a witness to the
transforming power of Jesus Christ within their community.

We take a strategic 5-Phase approachto grow local churches in global communities.
The result is an exponential multiplication of new disciples who are transforming their communities
through planting churches that plant more churches.


PHASE 1: Establishing Relationships

It sounds simple, but a lot of hard work goes into PHASE 1. Unreached peoples are unreached for a reason. Language, culture, religion, politics…all kinds of barriers keep people from hearing the good news about Jesus. We recruit, train, and deploy people who love Jesus and are committed to overcoming these barriers so that the gospel can be shared.

: Language and culture training for one year for a missionary family – $10,000

Our missionaries give significant time and energy to learning language and culture in their first year on the field. 

  • Intensive language school/classes for months 
  • Experiences/classes in cultural orientation  
  • Discovery Bible Studies with new, local friends  
PHASE 2: Making Disciples

Hopefully PHASE 2 sounds familiar. This is exactly what Jesus told us to do in the Great Commission. Making disciples isn’t quick and easy, but it’s what we are called to do. It’s all about loving people, sharing the scriptures, and taking steps of obedience together.


Example: Local discipleship training – $5000

PHASE 3: Developing Leaders

Every movement of God is catalyzed by women and men who provide leadership. As quickly as possible our missionaries look to develop local leadership. We want to give ministry away to others who will be more effective in their own language and culture. Developing leaders is all about seeing the potential in the people around us and then equipping and encouraging them along the way. When leaders begin to multiply, movement begins! 


Example: Providing scholarship funds to become a licensed minister – $1800 

Example: Seed funding for regional leadership conference – $4500 

PHASE 4: Advancing Sustainability

Sustainability may not sound exciting, but it’s critical for the Gospel to really take root in hard places. Sustainability means that the work begins to expand without dependence on outside resources. This is where we link local believers together from across the region and facilitate a network approach to church multiplication. Missionaries take on the role of facilitator and begin to phase out of direct ministry. 


Example: Church-planting training conference – $15,000 

Example: Training of trainers regional event – $10,000 

PHASE 5: Multiplying Movements

Global Partners has 130 years of experience which help us begin new ministry with the end in mind. We always want to start new work with an exit strategy! In Phase 5, missionaries may transition to a supporting role or they might even redeploy to a completely new city or region to start over in Phase 1.  


Example: Church-planting network training – $15,000 

Example: Relocating established missionary to Phase 1 area – $10,000 

Are you ready to join the team?