Hobby Unlocks Unexpected Witness in the Middle East

Hobby Unlocks Unexpected Witness in the Middle East

Have you ever wondered if you might have a career, skill, or even just a hobby that might be used by God in a place that needs more access to the gospel of Jesus Christ?

A woman we will call Mary* was recently sent out from our people in East Asia* to a Middle Eastern* country. There is an existing group of East Asians working marketplace jobs there while being intentional to build friendships and make disciples. Although a nurse by training, the circumstances and needs in that country have resulted in an unexpected change of strategy and work for Mary.

It may not have been a part of her medical career, but Mary is also a skilled embroiderer. So, she is now teaching local women embroidery skills, so they might know something they can use to support their families. This was unexpected but has turned into a great blessing. Through these relationships built while sewing together, Mary is developing culturally sensitive friendships. The results have been overwhelming. 150 women are now participating in her training. She has also unexpectedly been able to cultivate relationships with some of the high-ranking officials in the country.

Mary’s goal is to spread the good news of Jesus even in places that are difficult to reach. We pray for more marketplace multipliers like her, and like other East Asian medical workers now serving in places like Pakistan, Cambodia, or Japan.

So, what about you? Do you have a job that you might not just do for the glory of God, but also do it in a place that needs your gospel presence? Or perhaps you just have a hobby God could use for his purposes around the world. Those who lack gospel access are waiting. Contact GMM@gponline.org to start our no pressure and no cost process of exploring God’s calling so you can confidently and joyfully get involved!

*All the names and the sending as well as the receiving country in this story have been changed for security reasons.