Discerning a Calling to “Go”
Do you feel called to global service?
Maybe you’re feeling a pit in your stomach. A fluttering in your heart. A stirring in your soul.
No matter what you feel or how God chooses to ignite your calling, you probably sense a deep responsibility – a lingering ache – to bring Christ to the billions of people who live without access to the gospel.
Is this intimidating? Sure. Thousands of those called before you were intimidated, too. But, when God calls us to action, He’s probably stretching us for a reason.
And you deserve to have someone who knows the mission field to walk the journey of discernment alongside you.
Global Partners (GP), as part of The Wesleyan Church, has been sending missionaries to the unreached world for more than 130 years. We know that choosing to go, preparing to go and actually going are not for the faint of heart.
That’s why we are committed to walking with those who are exploring God’s calling – without pressure or expectation – and then, once they’re sure, equipping them to make the greatest impact wherever they land.
When she sensed her own calling to “go,” Bethany* – who is currently serving with GP in Nuneland – connected with GP’s Mobilization Team, and then pursued a short-term experience as a Missionary Kid teacher in Haiti for two years.
After an incredible experience in Haiti, she knew she was ready to pursue the long-term call God had placed on her life, this time with the Nune team. She reconnected with the Mobilization Team, kickstarting a discernment process and an application process.
“In the discernment process specifically, we talked a lot about my life journey and call, and I remember feeling very supported and encouraged by the two mobilizers I was interacting with,” Bethany explained.
Bethany recalls the Mobilization Team walking her through structured learning and discovery processes, complete with milestones, learning objectives, checklists and regular check-ins.
“I always felt I could reach out at any time with questions – big or small – and walked away from meetings with my mobilizers with practical next steps and things I could do to continue making progress and moving along the mobilization pathway,” Bethany said.
Overall, Bethany said her mobilization experience was positive and affirming. For anyone sensing the calling to “go,” Bethany would encourage them that it’s always worth starting a conversation with the team.
“Every person I talked with and worked with throughout the mobilization process was kind and would genuinely love to process with you what it is that God could be doing in your life,” she said.
So now what? Check out gponline.org/go. You’ll find a quiz you can take to find out if global service is for you. You’ll see all of the different opportunities and avenues you can take with GP. You’ll see a video that breaks down the mobilization process. And, you can go ahead and fill out the inquiry form to start the conversation.
*Name changed due to security guidelines.