Twelve Years of Significant Growth in Bangladesh
The Wesleyan Church of Bangladesh is growing, praise God!
Though The Wesleyan Church of Bangladesh was officially established in 2012, beginning with 14 churches, the hope of joining The Wesleyan Church had begun years before, when Pastor John Bose began church planting in the early 2000s. Pastor John, a second-generation pastor who was raised in a Christian home, learned more about the Wesleyan Church during his time in seminary and desired to join with his church plants. The churches he planted were multiplying, and he began various ministries, including an orphanage. Tragically, before the churches and ministries joined The Wesleyan Church, Pastor John and his wife died in a car accident.
After this tragedy, his three brothers, Rev. George, Rev. Joshe and Washington Bose stepped into various leadership positions to help see Pastor John’s dream through – and then some.
Following a visit by Robert* – who was the Global Partners (GP) Asia Area Director at the time – and Rev. Peter Moore – who was the GP Director of Operations at the time – a formal letter of acceptance was signed by Dr. H. C. Wilson and Dr. Jo Anne Lyon, officially welcoming this set of Bangladeshi churches into The Wesleyan Church.
It’s been nearly 12 years since that official letter – and The Wesleyan Church of Bangladesh has grown in deeply significant ways. The original 14 churches have now become 77 churches with 2,861 adult members and a total of 4,656, counting children. During 2023, 12 new churches were planted, and 597 new church members joined.
Not only do the church bodies continue to grow and develop, The Wesleyan Church of Bangladesh also continues to care for orphans through an orphanage housing 40 girls, and a second orphanage housing 35 boys. In addition to providing care through the orphanages, there are 20 remote education centers, helping students gain an education and learn practical skills.
Within this past year, Rev. George Bose was elected to lead as National Superintendent, following Joshe Bose’s (his brother) leadership. He said he’s very excited to continue to work with The Wesleyan Church, and he also continues pastoring several churches in the area.
“It really is a wonderful work that God has put in our hands, to bring the gospel from village to village, city to city, people to people,” George said.
Rev. Peter Moore, Atlantic District Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church, was recently able to revisit The Wesleyan Church of Bangladesh and said he felt deeply moved to see how God has blessed the humble and highly effective leadership of The Wesleyan Church of Bangladesh.
“To see any Kingdom group grow from 14 to 77 churches in the span of 12 years is a phenomenal win for the Gospel!” Peter wrote. “The Bose family – first with Joshe Bose and now with George Bose as Superintendent – are sacrificial, faithful and trustworthy stewards of the Lord’s work.”
Leading the Church in Bangladesh doesn’t come without challenges, though. In fact, JoshuaProject.net details that the top two religions people claim are Hinduism and Islam – by far. Out of the 298 people groups in Bangladesh, 278 (or 93.3%) are considered unreached.
Rev. George said they frequently use the JESUS Film, which depicts the story and love of Jesus Christ, as a primary tool of evangelism in a country heavily saturated with Hindu and Islamic teachings. In a recent Jesus Film report detailing the month of February 2024, the film was shown 48 times to 974 people – meaning those 974 people have heard the gospel, perhaps for the first time. The report goes on to explain that as a result of February’s showings, five groups were formed to provide regular follow-up discussions by The Wesleyan Church team in Bangladesh. A report for the year of 2023 details that the film was shown a total of 446 times, to 10,922 people.
For many who make the commitment to accept Jesus Christ as their savior, it comes with some sort of cost. Rev. George recounted a recent circumstance in which one of their church members was wounded by others in their village as a result of accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. “This can happen every day … we have lots of challenges. Pray for our staff and evangelism team, that God will protect them,” he explained.
In addition to this prayer request, Rev. George and Washington both shared that perhaps one of their greatest needs, is for buildings to host their churches. Out of the 77 churches, none have proper buildings to meet inside. Instead, they meet wherever the can – on balconies, under trees, open fields etc. They hope and pray that God will provide buildings to meet in soon.
Washington said additional desires are for theological education and pastoral training.
Rev. Tom*, a GP missionary serving South Asia agreed that theological education and pastoral training are crucial for the churches in this area. While the church is growing in areas like Bangladesh, there are no Bible institutes in all of South Asia, though there is a Wesleyan presence of over 20,000.
Rev. Tom noted that a Bachelor of Theology Course is now being taught in English, which will attend to 5-10% of leaders in South Asia. From there, the hope is that this will prepare and encourage the leaders to begin training and teaching the same program in their native languages, so 100% of those who are leading churches will have received training.
Washington has worked within various church roles throughout his lifetime and currently serves as a lay pastor. He holds several education degrees and is currently taking theology courses to obtain a Bachelor of Theology degree himself.
Overall, Washington said the overarching hope for The Wesleyan Church of Bangladesh, is for a healthy, growing church – for people to truly accept Jesus Christ as their Savior; to be changed because of it.
“We still believe that people are still hungry for the Word of God and they are accepting Jesus as their personal Savior,” Washington said. “And also we want to see more new leaders, more new people who have a lot of potential and can really help the Church.
*First name changed/last name omitted due to security guidelines
To view an interview with two of the Bose brothers, conducted by Rev. Peter Moore and video by Justin McGuigan, click here. For a video to give a glimpse of rural Bangladesh, click below.