Mission 1:8 Summit – Expectant and Excited
“Come, Holy Spirit.”
This was our repetitive prayer for the Mission 1:8 Summit. A humble invitation, that was prayed at the start of every session, workshop and activity while we were together. We came expectant and excited for the presence and movement of the Holy Spirit.
At the end of June, around 325 individuals from all over the world gathered – Global Partners missionaries from every GP field, the GP Resource Team, NEXT interns, prayer and financial partners, and volunteers from partnering churches – in Athens, Greece for our Mission 1:8 Summit.
Mission 1:8 – for Acts 1:8 – was a time of worship and reflection. It also provided an opportunity to refocus and remind ourselves why we have set out to serve all over the world.
We highlighted that our Global Partners mission is to reach the 4 in 10 people around the world who live without access to the Gospel. In order to do so, we are launching and growing local churches in global communities, resulting in a ripple effect of disciples making disciples and churches planting churches, until the gospel is spread from Everywhere to Everywhere.
By rallying around this, we found ourselves even more unified as we return to our global ministries.
Throughout the week we heard from several individuals, including Dr. Steve Addison, leader of MOVE, an agency based in Australia committed to launch global missional movements.
Through Steve’s teachings centered on the book of Acts, we were reminded that God is always working – so we should live with expectation and anticipation to join Him in what He is already doing. Steve shared a time when a man signed up for an English language class announcing that he was an atheist. Steve replied, “Great! How would you like to study the Bible with me?” To which the man eagerly agreed. What would it be like if we went into every conversation and situation knowing that if we’re there, God must already be at work?
Thank you to everyone who prayed and financially gave to help make this happen. Most of all, praise God for His deep love and kindness, and praise Him for the hearts that say “yes” to this mission that matters – forever.