Followers Multiplied
In the culture where we work, people are not encouraged or taught how to read the Bible on their own. When we offered a Bible class to help learn English, we didn’t know how it would be received. To our surprise, several women were interested! They read Bible stories together—first in the local language, then in English. This is an opportunity to practice difficult spiritual language and themes in English, but more importantly, they are learning how to apply Scripture to their everyday lives.
Recently, one student who has been sharing the passages we read and the questions we answer with her daughter said, “I love this. I am so glad I have something I can give her to show how easy it is to read the Bible and to think about what we read. I really want her to learn how to do that.” Praise God for the way he multiplies and empowers followers through the power of his Word!
Leaders Developed
“What do you think? . . . You always ask me that question!” Alisa exclaimed as we discussed the role of suffering in 1 Peter. It’s true, as a disciple maker, I am learning to ask more questions. I am striving to hold back my thoughts and responses so that those I am discipling have time to think and respond on their own. This isn’t easy, and I often find myself struggling against human nature, which drives me to want to share what I know. We all want to feel smart and valuable.
Every week, our house church in city B* is led by someone different. Each believer from age 11 to 55 has had the opportunity to lead and grow as a leader! The past few months, 12-year-old Adam* hasn’t been volunteering to lead. We were all surprised because he usually loved leading. When asked why he wasn’t volunteering, he responded, “If I lead, I don’t get to answer the questions.” We told him he can still answer the questions, but he needs to give others an opportunity to respond first.
Adam honestly replied, “No, that is too hard. I want to answer the questions.”
As we read God’s Word together, ask questions, and listen to one another’s’ responses, God is teaching us and transforming us. Next time you read God’s Word with someone, don’t forget to ask the question “What do you think?” Then listen and allow God to teach you through that person’s response.
*Names omitted or changed for security reasons.