Embracing One Another: Preparing for the 2025 ICWC
I praise God that from February 16th to 20th, 2024, I had a rare privilege of attending the planning meeting for the 2025 International Conference for the Wesleyan Church (ICWC) in Johannesburg, South Africa. The major focuses were on the desired results for the ICWC from the International Board: the unfinished task of the Global Wesleyan Church, how God supplies the resources needed for missions and how we relate to each other within the global Wesleyan Church.
At first I felt like I was going to be more of the spectator since I had never attended the ICWC before. But things turned out to be so different, in that I found myself even more involved. The planning meeting was excellent in that it was filled with a greater sense of oneness. Everyone felt loved and valued. There was a very strong sense of belonging to each other, which was not just talked about, but also felt in my heart.
There was no doubt that reaching the unreached people groups was not just dominating our discussion, but it was clear that the Holy Spirit was calling us to embrace this conviction as part of the direction we should take worldwide.
From the discussions and presentation, it was clear that those who helped us in the planning process were not just equal to the task but were also used by the Holy Spirit.
It was so exciting to see how we embraced each other beyond racial and tribal differences. We worked as one person, loving and appreciating each other. Our discussions were very considerate to make sure that our racial and cultural differences in planning are taken care of in a positive manner. Everyone felt that he or she was fully part of the planning meeting.
I hope to see the move of God during the upcoming ICWC. I also hope to see people from different parts of the world come to Africa and minister to each other in different ways, like it was on the day of Pentecost. Everyone is blessed by what we will see and hear.
Want to remember how God moved during the 2019 International Conference?
Check out icwc.wesleyan.org for the highlight video. Please also join us in prayer, as we anticipate what God will do during this upcoming event.