What Today’s Date Means for the Gospel Access Problem
15 November 2022 is an important day: the United Nations has predicted the 15th of November is the day the world population reaches 8 billion. *
Stop for a moment and consider that. We need to be praying for the 8 billion! What’s more, we need to pray for the 4 in 10 of all humans alive today that do not have access to the gospel. At GMM we call this the “Gospel Access Problem” or the GAP between the gospel and those who do not know it.
How to respond to this news:
PARTNER BY PRAYING FOR THE 8 BILLON – Include in your routine or inspired prayers just the note: “4 in 10” or “8 Billion.” A creative, and perhaps sobering, way to pray for the gospel access problem is to watch at this website as the numbers are not only added daily, but every second, to the number of humans on earth. (also, you can click the “watch as we increase” button on this page to see as each birth is added in real time to the image)
PARTNER BY GIVING TO REACH THE 4 IN 10 – Global Partners is committed to launch new fields and workers into the places where the 4 in 10 live, in those hard-to-reach places. We pray every day that the Lord of the Harvest will send more. Your partnership makes a huge difference. Consider giving through this link this year end to GP to be on the solution side of this GAP, this gospel access problem.
PARTNER BY MOVING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY FOR YOUR WORK – Could it be that God would use your work to grant you visa access to a country and a people group that doesn’t have appropriate access to the gospel? That’s the core mission of Global Marketplace Multipliers, to help you discover how God can use both your faith and your work in his plans. Let us know if this is tugging at your own heart or to refer us to someone.
Join with Global Marketplace Multipliers in marking this important day. It is one to celebrate but it is also a day to observe while keeping in mind the somber reality that so many of those in that number will be born, live, and even die in a place where one could knock on every door in the community and never find a person or community of their own people who might disciple them in following Jesus. Let’s change that together!
*This projection is explored in the UN’s World Population Prospects 2022 report, which also notes that India is on course pass China as the world’s most populous country next year, in 2023.