Would You Pray for the Tajik People of Afghanistan?
Tajiks are one of the largest unreached people groups in the world (the top 37). While Tajikistan is a majority Tajik country, more Tajiks live in Afghanistan than any other place in the world (11,293,000 in population in Afghanistan alone). However, the Tajik are a minority ethnic group there (27%).
The Tajiks of Afghanistan speak the Dari dialect and are primarily Islamic religious adherents. There is a complete Bible translation for the Tajiks, but because there are virtually no followers of Jesus (0.01%) and no confirmed, sustained movements for Jesus, they are in critical need pioneer cross-cultural workers, (both Missionaries and Global Marketplace Multipliers).
Please pray for the Tajik people, and that God would send workers into His harvest since 4 in 10 people worldwide still do not have access to the good news of Jesus Christ.
*Unreached People Groups (UPG) are those who lack Gospel access and have very little Christian presence. These groups often reside in remote areas or regions with barriers like culture, language, or geography, hindering sharing about Jesus Christ. Global Marketplace Multipliers (GMM) is spotlighting UPGs with over 10 million people, known as “Frontier People Groups,” who are the most unreached. We’re creating a page of this UPG series, including this one, which in the end will cover about 35 of the most unreached people groups.