Using Social Media to Reach the Unreached

Using Social Media to Reach the Unreached

Social media is clearly a powerful tool used by many companies and organizations for their benefit. In the Czech Republic, we are trying to utilize this tool to invite people to discover Jesus and follow Him.

Over the last year, we have been creating content on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to engage and invite those who are spiritually seeking into conversations and groups where they can discover Jesus.

Online platforms are constantly adapting to culture. Because of that, creativity and experimentation are rewarded. We have formed a content creation team that tries new video ideas, talking points and marketing tools. Most of those ideas have fallen flat. We tried, for example, to create posts that brought up the stresses of the current financial crisis in Europe, and we mostly received very angry comments from people that were truly hurting during this time.

Now, we are trying to show stories of people who were experiencing financial stress in their life, but how Jesus walked with them and gave them peace while things were hard. We are never sure what will encourage interaction and conversation, but we are willing to keep trying to find what connects. One of our campaigns where we have found consistent success, is when we give a clear description and a direct invitation to read the Bible with someone.

In our context, most people equate the Bible with an old church building — they would never imagine reading it for themselves, let alone with someone else.  But God is working, and just this past month we had ads inviting people to join an online video call and discover a story from the Bible for themselves. Ten people signed up!  This is progress. This is God making a way!

As long as people are living digitally and online, we are confident that God will allow us to use these tools for His kingdom building work.  We are also learning and growing alongside a greater coalition in Europe and around the world who are using these same tools.  We are finding those sincere seekers who are being drawn in by prevenient grace — praise the Lord.