Turmoil in Haiti Continues, but so does the Work of the Lord!
For background on what is taking place in Haiti and why Global Partners missionaries have temporarily left the country, please visit globalpartnersonline.org/haiti-team-perseveres/
In Haiti, as the economy continues to worsen and food prices rise, there seems to be no end in sight at this point to the political upheaval and gang violence. So much discouragement — please pray for miracles! As we stay in touch with the medical team, we are encouraged that the hospital is doing good work, led by the skill and leadership of the three Haitian specialists that came back to La Gonave about the time we were asked to leave.
Dr. Berley, our pediatrician, is expanding the neonatology services using his experience and advocating for improved equipment to be used in the care of premature infants. Our OB-Gyn, Dr. Annecie, provides high-risk obstetric care and surgeries like hysterectomies that previously could only be obtained on the mainland or when visiting teams would come. Dr. Badio, our internist, is able to offer procedures and consultations for heart and lung conditions that also save patients trips to Port-au-Prince.
Together these doctors are expanding the continuous learning opportunities with regular pediatric and adult group rounds, journal club and weekly grand rounds to discuss interesting cases and have the doctors give their own presentations.
Personally, we continue to respond to requests for food aid and help some small businesses that provide training and employment when possible. As the La Gonave Action Team and the Friends of La Gonave group grows, this auxiliary group has been able to ship hospital supplies and is working on supplying medications that the hospital has difficulty procuring.
We pray and hope for an opportunity to visit the island soon to maintain our working relationships and to encourage the staff. But we also ask for wisdom about how to continue to engage effectively in the work and mission of the hospital from a distance.
In Sierra Leone, it’s two steps forward and one step back! But progress is undeniable—and so much of it thanks to your prayers and generosity. The fresh coat of paint inside and out at the hospital changes the atmosphere, as do dozens of new mattresses. A brand new generator is working well and fourteen oxygen concentrators have been repaired, so that we no longer have reports of deaths related to our being unable to offer oxygen therapy. And we hear rumors on the street that the hospital is doing a good job — which means a lot. Even more importantly, the relationship between the national church and the hospital has been working well.
Thank you for remembering people in Haiti — and here in Sierra Leone — and praying for them. It means a lot to them, and to us.